Sunday, March 15, 2009

Roasted-Root Vegetables

Kids my age have soothers.
Like stuffed animals, blankets, pacifiers, etc.
Aunt Kelly had a rabbit foot.
Mom had a baby blanket.
Dad had a Greek New Testament.

I personally had not chosen one until today.
Yes, my parents throw special, super-soft blankets as well as cuddly animals like lambie, bear, and Eeyore into my crib and say things like "Ahhh, lambie is so soft. Do you want to hold lambie while you sleep?"

But none of these animals or special blankets have ever come close to my roasted root vegetables. Their sweet honey glaze made me want to snuggle all night long with them in a giant baked bear hug.

I don't understand.

Why can't roasted root vegetables stay in my bed all night? Why did mom remove them from my crib after I carefully placed them there in my kid-safe bowl and my mini spoon with a sailboat on it?

May you find the roasted root vegetables you've been looking for and may the people close to you let you keep them there!


Anonymous said...

Was this a self-portrait?

Anonymous said...

Hey Sim, nice choice. My soother was my rabbit, Hippity. Except then she disappeared. :( I don't think my parents took her away, though.

It was good to talk to you on the phone last week! :D

Bownes said...

To Nicole- yeah, it was great catching up; thanks for taking my call. And per our conversation: Yes, I do think your dad would look great in a beard.

To my Mom Mom- My momma legally "stole" that picture off of Microsoft clip art. (and so can you!) it's fun and copyright free eh! Mom is going to give you a call within the next few days- she and I are traveling into to Eastern PA friday the 27th!

The Elf formerly known as Clay

Mom and I at the Beach

Clay and I

Mom and Clay
