Mom made the most of the evening, but tension was still high. I got to have a lollipop tonight after dinner and that was the beginning of the end. I peed in the toilet once, but I graced the kitchen twice and my bedroom once. My Thomas underwear are not as absorbent as I may like them to be.
The nighttime bed routine was clearly re-defined when mom was feeding Clay in the kitchen while I was applying diaper rash cream to myself in the living room. Thankfully, I was naked, so I was able to get good coverage. Mum was upset overall, but did laugh out loud after she cleaned off the couch, sent me to the bathroom to start cleaning my hands off, returned to me in the bathroom, wiped off my belly and then discovered that my backside was also covered with pasty white cream. Who knew I could be more white? Moments later, when I had my entire body wedged between the wall and my bed and I yelped for help as only my head was visible, mom was simply at a loss for words. Clay and I survived the night. (barely).
My new favorite words are "Cake" and "Crash" and "Poops." Dad taught me the last one.
Oh hey, and I discovered Clay this past week and decided to start talking to him.
Happy warm summer night,
Simeon Bowne
OHH, The Diaper Rash Cream!! The stuff that is made not to be water soluble and is hard to get off!!--What Joys to clean up!!--Actually, It is surprising you survived the evening--but even more surprising that Mom survived.
Glad to hear that you are talking to your brother--just wait til he can answer you back!
Abs... you're scaring me! I'm already worrying about how I'm going to put a baby and toddler to bed by myself and now I have a good pictures of what can happen! :)
Yeah. .. I didn't even mention that Clay was crying most of the time from being over tired and Simeon made three new messes I had literally just put away. It was humorous though when all was said and done. You're going to rock it Jordan!
Comment to mothers of young children:
Diaper rash cream like Desitin is fantastic for minor burns--for the same reason it is hard to clean up--After running the burn under cool water, dry it and apply a very thin layer of desitin--it soothes the pain and and aids in healing. I used it A LOT when I worked in a bakery.
Reading this was like reliving so many days....Now you can understand why I say, "Don't laugh, this is my life!!!!".
The same stuff in the diaper cream is also in alot of sunscreen lotions--so Simeon was just taking care of his skin!
Glad the bros. are bonding & I'm not surprised at the words dad is teaching-LOL!!!
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