Tuesday, March 2, 2010

BBQ Sauce

I try not to give much advice over the blog. Most things in life wax and wane with the best of us and we are all certainly learning as we go. I think advice is similar to Barbecue sauce. Most of us like it at one point or another, but we certainly don't want it everyday for dinner.

So, with a chunk of humility, I'd like to throw out some information for the women who read this who plan on having babies in the future.

When Sim was a baby, I missed this boat. I sure wish I would have known about the simply order listed below.

Here it is!
1. When the baby nurses or bottle feeds, don't let them fall asleep while eating.
1a. Make sure the baby eats well- assuring that you won't need to feed them until the next feeding time.
2. After the baby eats, keep them up for a bit.
3. Then, after the kiddo has been up for (minutes as a newborn, about an hour for a 3-month old) simply bundle the kiddo up and lay them down in their crib. They will learn to fall asleep on their own.

With Simeon, I didn't realize what a predictable schedule most children can have at this young age. This simple instruction has made my life so much more peaceful and predictable with Clay. He can fall asleep on his own. This tool he has helps him sleep through the night.


Ally said...

Yea!! I'm glad it's easier this time around.

Pop Pop B. said...

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT...You will be an expert by number 6.

PopPop Zel said...

Pop Pop Zel said ...

"Hey Pop Pop B., I'm not much of a betting man, but I'll see your 6 - and raise the bid to 8 grand kids"!

mommom b. said...

Hey, men, I think Abby will have something to say about that!! Besides, imagine all the Christmas presents you two would have to buy!!

abby said...

oh my. . . eight kids. . . oh my.
yep. oh my. I', just not convinced that God designed me to mother that many kiddos, especially if they all were boys! Our house would need to have very plain, strong furniture. . .

The Elf formerly known as Clay

Mom and I at the Beach

Clay and I

Mom and Clay
