Thursday, October 30, 2008

mischief night

Ah . . . mischief night.

The toilet paper is ready.

My parents are unsuspecting.

I am ready.


Anonymous said...

sim, you're starting already???

Bownes said...

Ohhhh yeah. Hi Nicole! Hope you're well.

Anonymous said...

Simeon Simeon Simeon. Behave

Anonymous said...

Ask your Daddy about the good-old-days when he was out on mischief night! BTW Uncle Terry was one of his last victims. Ask Daddy about paybacks...

PopPop Zel said...

As a politician extraordinaire you are entitled to be a maven of mischief, but beware of the "sin nature" thing ... someday I'll tell you about the one and only time I participated in Mischief Night and got caught in the first ten minutes and had to spend three hours the next day washing the soap off the neighbors car windows.
I'd make a lousy politician!

PopPop Zel

The Elf formerly known as Clay

Mom and I at the Beach

Clay and I

Mom and Clay
