Saturday, November 1, 2008

Oh the evils of being a one year old.

They put a lock on the outside of the bathroom door.

What timing!

Toliet paper now out of reach, my foiled plans spurred an evening of crying.
My mischief took on a new face.

Note of random interest: Apparently the night before the dreaded Halloween is not "Mischief Night" in all fifty states as I assumed! I have confirmation now that it is not Mischief night in Massachusetts or Michigan. Since there are quite a few states represented in the followers of this blog, please feel free to leave a comment below letting us know if your state has what is called "Mischief Night" the night before Halloween. Anyone can leave a comment, just select "Name" and it will allow you to type your name.

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The Elf formerly known as Clay

Mom and I at the Beach

Clay and I

Mom and Clay
