Friday, October 16, 2009

More from Pennsylvania

Here are a few more pictures for you. As far as updates go, here are some random facts for you: Mom seems to have swallowed a basketball.
She feels like she is in a blender at work (spinning so fast).
Work had a surprise baby shower for her (complete with cheesecake!) and even though I think it's disgusting to have flying infants, she seems to of thought it was a nice time.
Dad is working hard at school work with several large assignments due early next week.
We all haven't picked a name for the new Bowne yet .
Mom is too tired to let me stay on the computer (it's in their room) so I'm signing off.

1 comment:

ParrishPalace said...

Love the shot of of the 2 kids at the door! Looks like Simeon is practicing the stroller push for little bro. AS for names I'm thinking Eugene Vonhammerhead!

The Elf formerly known as Clay

Mom and I at the Beach

Clay and I

Mom and Clay
