Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sometimes I Sing

Sometimes Mom and I sing together.
I wasn't in the mood to sing this morning,
but I decided to post the video anyway.
Happy Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Love to see that special bond between mom and child--Words cannot describe that. ENJOY THE LORD'S GIFT TO YOU!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I loved the drool, I'm surprised that nobody has ever bottled and marketed that stuff yet. It's one of our nations untapped resources.

All this Vienna talk makes me miss the Simster, I have a small package that I'll be sending tomorrow, enjoy!
Love Mindy

Anonymous said...

I'm really enjoying your blog. Baby is too funny in the videos. I like the one where dad uses baby as a musical instrament. Too funny.
Do you have email?

x said...

Yeah. dito on the parrishpalce comment. I try to checkout "Simone Bone" at least 1 time per week. Makes the distance much more bareable in addition to igniting a lot if laughs. Have to admit - I almost cried with this one - Warm Fuzzies. I love you guys.

The Elf formerly known as Clay

Mom and I at the Beach

Clay and I

Mom and Clay
